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Ventspils nekustamie īpašumi turpina apsaimniekošanā esošo daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamo māju siltināšanu

Aktīvi turpinās Pašvaldības SIA „Ventspils nekustamie īpašumi” pārvaldīto daudzdzīvokļu māju siltumnoturības uzlabošanas pasākumi Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda atbalsta programmas ietvaros. Kopumā no ERAF programmas sākuma 2009.gadā projektā iesaistījušies 48 daudzdzīvokļu māju dzīvokļu īpašnieki.

2012.gadā renovācija ir pabeigta septiņām daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamām mājām, no tām decembrī mājām Lielajā prospektā 13 un Sarkanmuižas dambī 12. Nama Lielajā prospektā 13 renovāciju veica SIA „Vindbūvserviss”, savukārt Sarkanmuižas dambī 12 renovāciju veica SIA „Samrode”. Abām ēkām tika veikta norobežojošo konstrukciju siltināšana, logu nomaiņa apkures un karstā ūdens cauruļvadu remonts un siltināšana pagrabos.

Plānotais ietaupījums maksai par siltumenerģiju saskaņā ar energoaudita aprēķiniem mājai Lielajā prospektā 13 ir 51%, savukārt mājai Sarkanmuižas dambī 12 – 49%. Lai sasniegtu plānoto ekonomisko efektu, šobrīd abām ēkām turpinās apkures sistēmas balansēšana jeb ieregulēšanas darbi.

Programmas ietvaros līdz 2012.gada decembrim kompleksā renovācija ir veikta 17 pašvaldības SIA „Ventspils nekustamie īpašumi” pārvaldīšanā esošajām daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamajām ēkām. Būvdarbi notiek ēkās Sarkanmuižas dambī 21, Sarkanmuižas dambī 22, Lielajā prospektā 40 un Sarkanmuižas dambī 5. Savukārt 2013.gadā būvdarbus jāuzsāk vēl 17 ēkām.

Pašvaldības SIA „Ventspils nekustamie īpašumi” atgādina, ka lēmumu par mājas energoefektivitātes uzlabošanu iespējams pieņemt tikai dzīvokļu īpašnieku kopsapulcē. Bieži vien mājas iedzīvotāji baidās uzņemties saistības, jo ir jāņem kredīts. Protams, katras mājas iemītnieki paši lemj, vai renovācija viņiem varētu būt izdevīga vai tomēr nē, dalība siltināšanas programmā ir brīvprātīga. Tāpat dzīvokļu īpašnieki savstarpēji vienojas par to, cik lielā mērā siltināt savu ēku. Pašvaldības SIA „Ventspils nekustamie īpašumi” piedāvā risinājumus ēku siltināšanai tādā apjomā, lai būtiski nepalielinātos kopējais maksājums pēc ēkas renovācijas, taču iedzīvotājiem ir tiesības arī lemt par, piemēram, tādiem daudz plašākiem energoefektivitātes uzlabošanas risinājumiem, kā rezultātā kopējais ieguvums no siltināšanas būs lielāks, taču arī maksājums uz aizdevuma atmaksas laiku ievērojami palielināsies. Jāpiebilst, ka vislabāko efektu enerģijas patēriņa samazinājumā ir iespējams sasniegt, veicot tieši kompleksus risinājumus, kas ietver visu vājo ēkas posmu uzlabošanu, tādejādi palielinot ēkas energoefektivitāti un tās kalpošanas laiku. Aicinām ventspilniekus būt aktīviem un izmantot iespēju nosiltināt savu māju. Lai jūs iedrošina to dzīvokļu īpašnieku pieredze, kuri siltināšanas darbus jau paveikuši un reāli izjutuši iegūto siltuma izdevumu ekonomiju.

Komentāri par rakstu:  Ventspils nekustamie īpašumi turpina apsaimniekošanā esošo daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamo māju siltināšanu
Wendy Joel
06.08.2024 15:15:38
Yes love spells work, You can rely on Dr. Excellent. My husband left me and my 2 children 4 wks ago and I'm just not coping! We'd been together since we were 18 and after 22 yrs I feel like I've lost everything. I can't eat or sleep and I'm struggling to keep it together at work. I know I have to be strong for the children but I'm a complete wreck and I am desperately ashamed that I'm affecting them. They are 6 and 9 and obviously are going to need a lot of support and I feel like I'm such a failure. People keep telling me it will get better but at the moment I can't see beyond the hurt and desperation I feel. my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because I was really in love with my husband. I have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that directed me to Dr. Excellent a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 11hours. Me and my husband are living happily together again, This man is powerful, Contact Dr. Excellent for any kind of spell or relationship problems he is capable of making things right for you. Here his contact. Call/WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: Excellentspellcaster@gmail.com ,His website:https://lovespellonline.godaddysites.com
11.07.2024 23:44:18
Mēs piedāvājam personīgos, komerciālos un biznesa aizdevumus ar ļoti minimālām gada procentu likmēm 3% apmērā no 1 gada līdz 50 gadu atmaksas termiņam visā pasaulē. Mūsu aizdevumi ir labi apdrošināti, lai nodrošinātu maksimālu drošību, kas ir mūsu prioritāte. Ieinteresētajām pusēm ir jāsazinās ar mani, izmantojot tālāk norādīto e-pasta adresi. INFORMĀCIJA PAR AIZDEVUMU, LAI PIETEIKTIES:- AIZDEVUMA SUMMA: ILGUMS: TĀLRUŅA Nr.: VALSTS: OKUPĀCIJA:
Kenneth Foy
14.06.2024 12:38:24
Secrets of winning the lottery with spell. My name is Kenneth Foy 61, of Parrish, claimed a $1 million prize from the March 5 POWER BALL® drawing at Lottery Headquarters in Tallahassee.. I want to share my amazing testimony on how Dr Graham blessed my life. I have been playing lottery game for long now and I don’t usually win, I came across a testimony of someone testifying about how Dr Graham prayed for him and gave him a lottery game numbers to play and he won big amount of money.I never knew spell was very powerful until I won my first $1 million lottery with the help of Dr Graham. Not just that, I can still remember when I contacted him, he told me he will help me win the lottery Numbers. Dr Graham has been so good to me, so I urge everyone trying so hard to win lottery to visit Dr Graham, he is the best when it comes to winning lottery.You can reach him via his info below Email: dr.graham.spelltemple@gmail.com or Whatsapp:+19803357636
Kenneth Foy
14.06.2024 12:35:27
Secrets of winning the lottery with spell. My name is Kenneth Foy 61, of Parrish, claimed a $1 million prize from the March 5 POWER BALL® drawing at Lottery Headquarters in Tallahassee.. I want to share my amazing testimony on how Dr Graham blessed my life. I have been playing lottery game for long now and I don’t usually win, I came across a testimony of someone testifying about how Dr Graham prayed for him and gave him a lottery game numbers to play and he won big amount of money.I never knew spell was very powerful until I won my first $1 million lottery with the help of Dr Graham. Not just that, I can still remember when I contacted him, he told me he will help me win the lottery Numbers. Dr Graham has been so good to me, so I urge everyone trying so hard to win lottery to visit Dr Graham, he is the best when it comes to winning lottery.You can reach him via his info below Email: dr.graham.spelltemple@gmail.com or Whatsapp:+19803357636
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20.02.2024 17:38:17
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13.10.2023 14:19:50
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13.10.2023 14:18:54
We looking for a project to invest in We are a consultant firm linking and looking for foreign individuals/Business enterprises and corporate bodies that need business expansion and are willing to invest profitably a huge amount of money that is at my disposal in a profitable long-term venture, most importantly, I am required to invest these funds on real estates/Loans to public firms or businesses with a low-interest rate/open companies and buy villas and give out for rents. preferably in your country of residence or any other suitable location. I shall appreciate it if you can give me the best assistance I need, hoping to cooperate with you in the near future. I will let you know the amount of fund client funds that will be invested, Interested individuals or corporate bodies should contact me for more information, waiting for your prompt reply as soon as possible. Contact us now For more information: WhatsApp/telephone number: +44 7418 336403 Email: raywaters63@gmail.com website......https://elitsconsultantfirm.com
Greg Sam
08.10.2023 22:03:03
Dr Donald lottery spell is very strong and powerful and if spell casting is done in a proper way then yes it will work and will give you good results. Are you always in debt? Do you struggle to make ends meet? This is a problem that many have but few people realize that powerful traditional wisdom can help you overcome these problems. Lottery spells can be a solution to several economic problems. Dr Donald lottery spells allow you to change the direction of your financial future to better yourself and loved ones. One cannot deny the tremendous impact money has on the lives of people in the contemporary society. In these times, lottery spells are considered by many as a wonderful and a remarkably, functioning miracle. Email: drdonaldlotto@gmail.com Whatsapp: +1(251)397-5966 https://drdonaldlotto.wixsite.com/dr-donald-lotto-spell
Greg Sam
08.10.2023 20:13:37
Dr Donald lottery spell is very strong and powerful and if spell casting is done in a proper way then yes it will work and will give you good results. Are you always in debt? Do you struggle to make ends meet? This is a problem that many have but few people realize that powerful traditional wisdom can help you overcome these problems. Lottery spells can be a solution to several economic problems. Dr Donald lottery spells allow you to change the direction of your financial future to better yourself and loved ones. One cannot deny the tremendous impact money has on the lives of people in the contemporary society. In these times, lottery spells are considered by many as a wonderful and a remarkably, functioning miracle. Email: drdonaldlotto@gmail.comWhatsapp: +1(251)397-5966https://drdonaldlotto.wixsite.com/dr-donald-lotto-spell


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